
Psychoneuroimmunology of Risk and Disease Laboratory​​

​Published Manuscripts & Presentations 

Ma, L., Keen II, L. D., Steinberg, J. L., Eddie, D., Tan, A., Keyser-Marcus, L., ... & Moeller, F. G. (2024). Relationship between central autonomic effective connectivity and heart rate variability: a resting-state fMRI dynamic causal modeling study. NeuroImage, 300, 120869.

Ma, L., Braun, S. E., Steinberg, J. L., Bjork, J. M., Martin, C. E., Keen II, L. D., & Moeller, F. G. (2024). Effect of scanning duration and sample size on reliability in resting state fMRI dynamic causal modeling analysis. NeuroImage, 292, 120604.

​Kuno, C. B., Frankel, L., Ofosuhene, P., & Keen II, L. (2024). Validation of the Adult Eating Behavior Questionnaire (AEBQ) in a young adult Black sample in the US: Evaluating the psychometric properties and associations with BMI. Current Psychology, 43(35), 28590-28603.

​Quarles, E., West, S. J., & Keen, L. (2024). Determining associations between Big Five personality traits and executive function in an undergraduate student sample. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1-8.

​​Ma L, Keen LD II and Del Buono MG (2022) Editorial: Investigating substance use disorders using neuroimaging-based brain connectivity. Front. Psychiatry 13:992669. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.992669

Bell, K. A., Coleman, E., Cooke, B. G., & Keen, L. D. (2022). Recreational cannabis use is associated with poorer sleep outcomes in young adult African Americans. Addictive Behaviors, 134, 107399.

Keen II, L., Turner, A. D., George, L., & Lawrence, K. (2022). Cannabis use disorder severity and sleep quality among undergraduates attending a Historically Black University. Addictive Behaviors, 134, 107414.

IANNACCONE, G., ABBATE, A., KEEN II, L., & PORTO, I. Minerva Cardiology and Angiology 2021 August; 69 (4): 475-6.

Keen, L., Turner, A. D., Harris, T., George, L., & Crump, J. (2021). Differences in internalizing symptoms between those with and without Cannabis Use Disorder among HBCU undergraduate students. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH.

​Ravindra, K., Del Buono, M. G., Chiabrando, J. G., Westman, P., Bressi, E., Kadariya, D., ... Keen, L. & Abbate, A. (2021). Clinical features and outcomes between African American and Caucasian patients with Takotsubo Syndrome. Minerva Cardioangiologica.

Larry Keen, Lauren George, Georgia Williams, Gwenna Blanden & Mara Ramirez (2020) Assessing the validity of the Self-Report Webexec Questionnaire: Self-report vs performance neurocognitive inferences, Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2020.1843041

Keen, L., Abbate, A., Clark, V., Moeller, F. G., & Tan, A. Y. (2020). Differences in heart rate among recent marijuana use groups. Minerva cardioangiologica.

Clark, V. R., Keen, L., Brooks, J., Boyd, K., & Watkins, B. (2020). Fish Preparation as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Activity in African American Men and Women. Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Food Chemistry.

Keen, II. L., Tan, A. Y., & Abbate, A. (2020). Inverse associations between parasympathetic activity and cognitive flexibility in African Americans: Preliminary findings. International Journal of Psychophysiology.

Keen, L., Arias, A., Abbate, A., & Moeller, F. G. (2020). Heart Rate Variability as a Link Between Brain-Elicited Substance Cues and Substance Use Severity. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 560-561.

Keen, L, HarrIs, T., Blanden, G.*, & George, L.*, & Williams, G.* (2019). The Self-Compassion Scale’s Validity in a HBCU Undergraduate Sample. Virginia Social Science Journal, 53, 72-81.

Callender, C.O., Mwendwa, D.T., Gholson,G., Wright, R.S., Keen, L., Adesibikan, B., Madhere, S., Apprey, V., Bonney, G., Michael, M., Magnus-Lawson, B., Ivy, G., Idris-Suleiman, L., Hernandez, A., Herren, O., & Campbell, A.L. (2019). BMI, waist size, GFR: In African American Blacks. Journal of Obesity and Weight-loss Medication.

​Keen II, L., Abbate, A., Blanden, G.*, Priddie, C.*, Moeller, F. G., & Rathore, M. (2019). Confirmed marijuana use and lymphocyte count in black people living with HIV. Drug and alcohol dependence.

Blanden, G.*, Butts, C.*, Reid, M., & Keen, L. (2018). Self-reported lifetime violence exposure and self-compassion associated with satisfaction of life in historically Black college and university students. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260518791596.

Keen II, L., Turner, A., Pereira, D., Callender, C., Campbell, A. The Psychoneuroimmunological Influences of Marijuana Use: Past and Future Directions. New Trends and Advanced Methods in Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, STEAM-H: Science In Press.

Sceidell, J., Lejuez, C., Golin, C., Adimora, A., Wohl, D., Keen II, L., Hamond, M., Judon-Monk, S., Khan, M. (2017). Patterns of Mood and Personality Factors and Associations with STI-HIV-Related Drug and Sex Risk among African American Inmates: Heightened Vulnerability of Men with Antisocial Personality.  Substance Use & Misuse, 1-10. 

Turner, A.D., Smith, C.E., Ong, J.C. (2017). Is Purpose in Life Associated with Less Sleep Disturbance in Older Adults? Sleep Science and Practice 1:14.

Turner, A.D., James, B.D., Capuano, A.W., Aggarwal, N.T. & Barnes, L.L. (2017). Perceived Stress and Cognitive Decline in Different Cognitive Domains in a Cohort of Older African Americans. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 25(1):25-34.

Keen II, L., *Blanden, G., *Rehmani, N. Lifetime Marijuana Use and Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevalence in a Sample of Black College Students. (2016). Addictive Behaviors.

Turner, A. D., Buchman, A., Lim, A., Bennett, D, & Barnes, L.L. (2016). Characteristics of Self-reported Sleep in Older African Americans and Non-Hispanic White Americans. Ethnicity and Disease 26(4):521-528.

Crawford, M.R., Turner, A.D., Wyatt, J.K., Fogg, L.F., & Ong, J.C. (2015) Evaluating treatment of sleep apnea and comorbid insomnia using an incomplete factorial design. Contemporary Clinical Trials 47:146-152.

Harris, T. S., & *Ramsey, M. (2015). Paternal modeling, household availability, and paternal intake as predictors of fruit, vegetable, and sweetened beverage consumption among African American children. Appetite, 85, 171-177.

Fleischman, D.A., Yang, J., Arfanakis, K.A., Arvanitakis, Z., Turner, A.D., Barnes, L.L., Bennett, D.A., Buchman, A.S. (2015) Physical activity, motor function and white matter hyperintensity burden in healthy old adults. Neurology 84(13):1294-1300.

Keen II, L., Turner, A. D. (2015). Differential effects of self-reported lifetime marijuana use on interleukin-1 alpha and tumor necrosis factor in African American adults. Journal of behavioral medicine, 1-8. 

Keen II, L., Turner, A. D., Mwendwa, D., Callender, C., & Campbell Jr, A. (2015). Depressive Symptomatology and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia in a Non-Clinical Sample of Middle-Aged African Americans. Biological psychology. 

Scheidell, J. D., Clifford, L. M., Dunne, E. M., Keen II, L. D., & Latimer, W. W. (2015). Gender Differences in Planning Ability and Hepatitis C Virus among People who Inject Drugs. Addictive Behaviors. 

Harris, T., Sideris, J., Serpell, Z., Burchinal, M., & Pickett, C. (2014). Domain-specific cognitive stimulation and maternal sensitivity as predictors of early academic outcomes among low-income African American preschoolers. The Journal of Negro Education, 83(1), 15-28.

Keen II, L., Ennis Whitehead, N., Clifford, L. Rose, J., Latimer, W. (2014). Perceived Barriers to Treatment in a Community-Based Sample of African American Men and Women. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 

Keen II, L., Turner, A. (2014). The Influence of Interleukin-6 on Neurocognition as a Function of Lifetime Marijuana Use in a Community Based Sample of African Americans: Journal of International Neuropsychology. 

Keen II, L., Pereira, D., Latimer, W. (2014). Self-Reported Lifetime Marijuana Use and Interleukin-6 Levels in Middle-Aged African Americans. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 

Keen II, L., Khan, M., Clifford, L., Harrell, P., Latimer, W. (2014). Differences in Prevalence of HIV and HCV between Blacks and Whites Based on Patterns of Injection and Non-Injection Drug Use in Baltimore City. Journal of Addictive Behaviors. 

Keen II, L., Dyer, T., Ennis Whitehead, N., Rose, J. and Latimer, W.  (2014). Binge Drinking and Stimulant Use Associated with HIV Status in Heterosexual African American Men. Journal of Addictive Behaviors. 

Whitehead Ennis, N., Trenz, R., Keen II, L., Rose, J., Latimer, W. (2013) Younger versus Older African Americans: Patterns and Prevalence of Illicit Drug Use. Journal of Aging and Health.

 Mwendwa, D., Sims, R., Madhere, S., Thomas, J., Keen II, L., Callender, C., & Campbell Jr., A. (2012) The Influence of Coping with Perceived Racism and Stress on Lipid Levels in African Americans. Journal of the National Medical Association

*Student Authors; Bolded names represent PNIRD Lab members